Equillibrium’s 2019 Year in Review


Equillibrium SK8 Heart

Before we do a year in review, Equillibrium would like to thank you for your support! Because of all our customers who purchased from us in 2019, we were able to make donations to the following causes and organizations: Environmental non-profitsWestern Environmental Law Center, Environmental Defense Fund and the Southern Plains Land Trust  , Wolf Activism non-profit Sanctuaries- Mission Wolf, W.O.L.F. , and Animal Rights non-profits- PETA. 2019’s contributions broke down as follows…

64% to Environmental Non-Proft Organizations

30% to Wolf Activism Non-profit Sanctuaries

6% to Animal Rights Non-Profit Organizations

We could not have seeded what we want to see in the world in this way with out you.   You are proof you don’t have to give up being kool and fashionable for being sustainable. Equillibrium is a brand to be proud to wear. It shows you live it, love it, and wear your heart on your sleeve… all expressed through fashion.

Some other highlights of the year were the opportunities to work in collaboration with other artists… it is always great to see good work by all involved. I’d say the finale event for 2019 was our runway segment at Denver Fashion Week this past November.


Equillibrium Mother Earth Look at DFW// Photo: Robins Photography

It was truly an enjoyable experience to work with Scott Lobben and his team at Rita B Salon. We hope for there to be more runway collaborations in the future! Our segment “FOREVER with the Wild” was a voice for the voiceless on the runway to educate consumers by saying very little… it was inspirational and therapeutic to express the message of today’s ugly environmental species & climate crisis in a beautiful way. That is why Equillibrium uses the runway and fashion as a platform for awareness.  Fashion is a way to express ourselves. Our messaging on the runway speaks volumes for those willing to hear… EQ Snow Leopard

Equillibrium Snow Leopard at DFW2019 Photo: Robins Photography

We are optimistic regarding the Trademark Infringement by Gucci. So far, from our research, we have not seen any merchandise using our Trademarks. It is our impression, our TM protections have stopped Gucci from marketing and selling anything with Equilibrium on it. They promised not to make goods for sale with and we are keeping watch to make sure their promise is kept.


In other news, our CEO has been hired onto the Fashion Design Faculty at Rocky Mountain College of Art+Design. Deb Henriksen, LEED AP BD+C is their new instructor for Sustainable Fashion. She will also be working closely with the Fashion Design Department Chair to make the overall program more sustainably focused. Equillibrium is truly excited for the outreach, education, and difference to be made through this opportunity in 2020 and beyond.


Equillibrium will be having exciting news regarding our 20yr Anniversary Celebration in 2020! It has been challenging to create, grow, and sustain a brand from nothing. 20 years in existance and being more relevant than ever as a sustainable street brand in fashion is something to celebrate!!! There will be no shortage of sk8ers, punk rock, and fashion during our favorite time of year at this party! Sign up for our news letter and follow us on FB, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest to hear it first!

2019 was a good year and we remain hopeful for an even better year in 2020.  Thanks for showing your support and helping fuel the mission of Equillibrium sustainable street brand.

Equillibrium breaks it down and wants to hear less talk, see more WALK.

It has been difficult the past year to put feelings into words with the realities faced today regarding our environment and ethics.  Since the Trump administration was elected,  there have been no words.  No words to describe the impacts of greedy decisions for profit threatening what we not only love,  but need for a quality life.  You cannot quantify or replace the intrinsic,  we MUST defend and protect it.


Equillibrium Wolf Spirit Look 2018 …  stand for wolves, they are essential!                                                                                                  robins.photography

We speak now to reinforce light in darkness.  To support and encourage all to choose love over fear.  What we do about this in a positive, equal force to the negativity we navigate everyday is critical in holding our spirits high.  Be awoke,  live in action not activity.  As consumers WE hold the POWER to VOTE with our DOLLARS and hold irresponsible Corporations responsible for their actions through exposure and boycotts.  Conscious consumption must be practiced, not just talked about, for any effective change to occur.

Why are soo many who mean well out of alignment in their actions,  to actually be part of the problem with oblivion?  In fact a LIM University study revealed, “that when it comes to buying, ‘Millennials’ are NOT Eco-Fashionistas.”  Sad, but true…  they are missing out in using one of the MOST powerful tools for change,  the VOTE in what you consume. Collectively,  the power of those dollars is huge and speaks loud enough to be heard.  Here is an article, titled “In Apparel It’s Fast Fashion Versus Sustainability”,  by Rivet Magazine addressing the fact that fast fashion is NOT sustainable and IS the problem with Industry pollution and questionable ethics in around World.  The discussion was introduced decades ago to move the Industry towards more sustainable and ethical practices…  the time for talking is over.  Time to do. WALK IT.


Walk the line….                                        robins.photography

We know better.  We can do better and we must.  Time is up for many things;  unconscious consumption is one of them.  If majority of the manufacturers out there won’t willfully be responsible with HOW their products are sourced and made,  then it is time for the consumer to demand they do so and be willing to pay at the register for it.  Why the masses are rewarding any Business that does otherwise with purchases is mind boggling.  Complacency kills and you are what you eat,  wear,  support,  etc.  Time for all to walk the line or face being exposed as a poser and weak link.  These are serious times and we all must roll up our sleeves and do our minor part to collectively gain momentum for a better way. Get punk and get to work on your behavior…  after all it is the behavior that creates the most effects in a positive or negative way.  99% of change is made through a change in behavior…  stop over consuming with fast fashion and know where your money goes.  What does your consumer behavior support?


Wave your flag for good through sustainable fashion!!!                                         robins.photography

Here are some steps to get off a fast fashion diet and move toward  sustainable, conscious consumption.  It is beyond fashionable to give a shit,  as well as feels good to do,  so do it!

1) First observe your consumer behavior…  keep a log if you need to look at it later.  Where do you spend your hard earned fashion dollars?

2) Second,  do some “Googling” and research the Corporations you are “loyal” to.  Know what the values you’d like to support.  Do they support them too? Go to their website and read their Company Mission Statement and policies toward the environment,  production,  etc… do they align with their track record over time?  Are they philanthropic?

3)Third,  research who is a part of the sustainable movement in Fashion,  and for how long?  Are they the real deal or are they “green washing” with clever marketing and lacking action?  Know what that means…

4) Fourth,  start resisting impulsive shopping in all forms to decide if that expense is a necessity or nicety…  does the purchase empower you or make you feel bad?  Move away from purchases that feel conflicted or bad.  It is better to buy nothing than things with negative impacts beyond the register.  Get empowered with your dollars through purchases that make you feel good in every way.

Repeat steps 1-4 in every aspect of your purchasing power you want to explore (food, banking, etc.)…  there will be some Corporations it is hard to get away from,  but we must RESIST and stay AWOKE.  The time is now, we know you can.  We see you, do you see us?

Equillibrium’s new Look Book: “Black & White”

With all the hot air flying around,  we would like to empower you…  be the change,  wear your heart on your sleeve,  and NEVER stop acting out through LOVE!

Please take a look,  support a brand walking the walk for over 17 years,  and believe in yourself to be a part of the solution…  enjoy!




SK8 2 CR8 in style with Equillibrium …

Hard to believe summer is around the corner when we just got record snow fall in Colorado.  However,  it is almost here and we have some upcoming events we’d like to promote…

First,  is the Annual Dave Tuck Skate Jam in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


Here is a nice commentary explaining who Dave Tuck is,  why his jam is in MI,  and what the event raises money for by Josh Meisler-  the event’s Creator,  Coordinator, and Host.   Josh, we thank you for keeping Dave’s essence alive through this kick ass rally to sk8 in his honor.  We cherish and miss you Dave ❤

Who is Dave Tuck_ copy

The other event we are promoting is a Girl SK8 Jam in North Carolina,  called S.E.S.H. Skate Jam – an acronym for South Eastern Sister Hood Skate Jam.  This event dreamed up by our OG Skate Sister Tamra Church.   The event was inspired to bring Girls who share a love for skateboarding together at all ranges of ages as well as skill levels.This is its kick off year,  it will be rad to see what it grows into for next year!


Lastly there are Skateboard Camps coming up from Duchess Ride up in Eagle County starting June 4th!  Duchess Ride is a 501(c)3 non-profit who’s mission is to cultivate TENACITY, CAMARADERIE, and CREATIVITY in young girls.  They do great work and we love them for it!  Check out the link to their website for more information.


Equillibrium’s Blog Intro!!!!

Well, here it is Equillibrium’s blog.  As Equillibrium completes its first DECADE as a premier lifestyle brand in Colorado for high fashion street wear, it is time to acknowledge and respect years of requests to start a blog.

There will be an introduction to what Equillibrium is, how it started/ where we sprouted from, what we are doing, and where we are going. Blog topics will likely fit under the following categories:  FASHION, ART, SUSTAINABILITY, HEALTH, BOARDING: SK8, SURF, SNOW, BIKING/MOTORCYCLES, COLORADO (not in any specific order, all top ranking for Equillibrium).

This blog is to be INSPIRING, FUN, INTERESTING, and a an INFORMATIVE REFERENCE for you to use in deciphering “green-washers” in the market place from the real deal. We’ve noticed a lot of misinformation being portrayed as truth to today’s consumer with play on words. If Equillibrium can clear up confusion by example- it’s an honor!

We want to know what you think… please share your thoughts