Equillibrium’s 2019 Year in Review


Equillibrium SK8 Heart

Before we do a year in review, Equillibrium would like to thank you for your support! Because of all our customers who purchased from us in 2019, we were able to make donations to the following causes and organizations: Environmental non-profitsWestern Environmental Law Center, Environmental Defense Fund and the Southern Plains Land Trust  , Wolf Activism non-profit Sanctuaries- Mission Wolf, W.O.L.F. , and Animal Rights non-profits- PETA. 2019’s contributions broke down as follows…

64% to Environmental Non-Proft Organizations

30% to Wolf Activism Non-profit Sanctuaries

6% to Animal Rights Non-Profit Organizations

We could not have seeded what we want to see in the world in this way with out you.   You are proof you don’t have to give up being kool and fashionable for being sustainable. Equillibrium is a brand to be proud to wear. It shows you live it, love it, and wear your heart on your sleeve… all expressed through fashion.

Some other highlights of the year were the opportunities to work in collaboration with other artists… it is always great to see good work by all involved. I’d say the finale event for 2019 was our runway segment at Denver Fashion Week this past November.


Equillibrium Mother Earth Look at DFW// Photo: Robins Photography

It was truly an enjoyable experience to work with Scott Lobben and his team at Rita B Salon. We hope for there to be more runway collaborations in the future! Our segment “FOREVER with the Wild” was a voice for the voiceless on the runway to educate consumers by saying very little… it was inspirational and therapeutic to express the message of today’s ugly environmental species & climate crisis in a beautiful way. That is why Equillibrium uses the runway and fashion as a platform for awareness.  Fashion is a way to express ourselves. Our messaging on the runway speaks volumes for those willing to hear… EQ Snow Leopard

Equillibrium Snow Leopard at DFW2019 Photo: Robins Photography

We are optimistic regarding the Trademark Infringement by Gucci. So far, from our research, we have not seen any merchandise using our Trademarks. It is our impression, our TM protections have stopped Gucci from marketing and selling anything with Equilibrium on it. They promised not to make goods for sale with and we are keeping watch to make sure their promise is kept.


In other news, our CEO has been hired onto the Fashion Design Faculty at Rocky Mountain College of Art+Design. Deb Henriksen, LEED AP BD+C is their new instructor for Sustainable Fashion. She will also be working closely with the Fashion Design Department Chair to make the overall program more sustainably focused. Equillibrium is truly excited for the outreach, education, and difference to be made through this opportunity in 2020 and beyond.


Equillibrium will be having exciting news regarding our 20yr Anniversary Celebration in 2020! It has been challenging to create, grow, and sustain a brand from nothing. 20 years in existance and being more relevant than ever as a sustainable street brand in fashion is something to celebrate!!! There will be no shortage of sk8ers, punk rock, and fashion during our favorite time of year at this party! Sign up for our news letter and follow us on FB, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest to hear it first!

2019 was a good year and we remain hopeful for an even better year in 2020.  Thanks for showing your support and helping fuel the mission of Equillibrium sustainable street brand.

Equillibrium says to Protect, Defend, Love… everyday!


It is a concerning time for humanity as we approach Earth Day 2019.  The current Administration is stripping protections to our wild places and wildlife for special interest and profit as man-induced climate change generates extreme weather events further threatening sustainability for many species.

As we wrestle feelings of helplessness and frustration we must stay strong in our opposition of accepting this as a new norm.  We know better and must always strive to do better.  It does not matter everyone is not on board with conscious consumption, it matters that you are and practice it.  Set good intention and see it through at all times no matter what.  Over time this example has large butterfly effects with positive impacts to offset momentum in the wrong direction creating hope to get in the right direction. Never discount that, never surrender.

Equillibrium commit

Equillibrium is committed…

So many say the actions of one mean nothing, it takes everyone to make it happen…  almost as an excuse to remain complacent.  Remember complaceny kills. The grey area is just as important as the black in white.  In many cases it is more improtant, due to its accessability to implement with baby steps while working toward making big strides. Everyone must start somewhere, and continue growth toward the end goal.

Equillibrium Flag flying high for sustainable fashion and conscious consumption.

Equillibrium Flag flying high for sustainable fashion and conscious consumption.

This April, Equillibrium cheers you on at whatever place you are in being a part of the solution toward a sustainable future for life on Earth. Though it is infuriating what policies are being implemented from the White House threatening our Public Lands, Wildlife Reguges (especially in the Arctic),  the Endangered Species Act, the Environmental Protection Agency, etc. ; we must not accept any sense of defeat, but be ready to defend, protect, and continue the LOVE for human health, wildlife, and our wild places. There are no acts too small. They all add up and we must grow in numbers with this common goal. Engage, educate, and activate.  Take the time to learn what is happening, how you can offset it and activate resistance.

Equillibrium Frack Off

Equillibrium Frack OFF : Live it, LOVE it, Feel it, WEAR it!

Overwhelmed? Then, start with one cause like defending our predators: Wolves, Bears, Sharks, etc. / protecting human health: clean air, clean water, clean land, etc. / conscious consumption: sustainable fashion, reducing single use plastics, compost, etc. See where these topics lead you.  Your behavior will change, you will feel empowered not helpless,  and it will become obvious how interconnected everything is.  Small changes you make in your behavior have large impacts over time, as well as spread to better behavior by others by example. Take steps, be consistent. It is never too late, the time is now!  Love your Mother and each other…  be the change. Namaste.  Oi!

Equillibrium’s new Look Book: “Black & White”

With all the hot air flying around,  we would like to empower you…  be the change,  wear your heart on your sleeve,  and NEVER stop acting out through LOVE!

Please take a look,  support a brand walking the walk for over 17 years,  and believe in yourself to be a part of the solution…  enjoy!




Celebrate Life: Equillibrium Year End Report 2016

2016 kicked off with a heavy heart loosing a person who co-created the Eagles,  Glen Frye,  and the news of the Man who played their records like a soundtrack to my childhood having Cancer,  my Dad- Pat Henriksen.  Equillibrium’s segment on the runway for Denver West Word’s Whiteout 2016 was dedicated to them…  FYI-  Dad is stable and we are grateful for everyday we still have him.  With all the amazing People who passed this year:  David Bowie,  Lemmy,  Glen Frye,  Carrie Fisher,  Debbie Reynolds, Zsa Zsa Gabor,  Mohamed Ali, Florence Henderson,  George Michael,  Alan Thick to name a few…   2016 cannot have my Dad!

The 2016 “election” year raged on,  sales were slow as costs to produce went up.  Commercial rent in Denver has sky rocketed with the new high demand to live and do business here and election years are never good for Small Businesses.  Despite all those obstacles,  Equillibrium remains a Top Dog in authenticity,  sustainability with style,  and over all popularity.  A nice affirmation of this was Equillibrium’s invitation back to show at Denver Westword’s 2017 Whiteout Fashion Show (more on that in another blog).  With that said,  we made our year end donations joyfully,  knowing our brand has never been more relevant and needed in the Fashion Industry.

Overall,  as many know,  we like to put most our money where the lawyers are who create permanent change,  protection,  and conservation within the workings of the law.  Further,  lawyers go after violators,  hold them accountable for irresponsible actions taken against OUR Environment threatening a sustainable future,  and hit them where it hurts.   Despite slower sales than expected,  Equillibrium donated 12% of our gross sales this year.  That is a 2% additional donated from our 10% guaranteed donation toward sustainability from direct sales. This is because of a couple reasons:  First,  we could so we did and second,  we need to enter 2017 fighting hard for the issues we hold close to our heart.  The break down of where our monies went are as follows (click on their links to see the great work they do!):

59% donation to Earth Justice

16% donation to The Sierra Club

13% donation to Food and Water Action Fund

5% donation to The Natural Resource Defense Council

5% donation to  Oceana

2% donation to PETA

Further,  Equillibrium made a special clothing donation (3 BIG boxes) to Connected Soul for their work to assist at Standing Rock.  Water is LIFE,  we must protect what is sacred to life.  All links to the non-profits donated to have calls to action on their sites.  Please take a moment to explore their good works,  activate to sign,  and share causes you’d like to join the fight on.  Petitions make a big difference and are a voice for the voiceless.  Please consider taking the time to activate today if you have not yet.   Our list is far from checked off for who Equillibrium wants to send money to,  some have to wait until funds replenish in the new year… we can’t wait to sell more in 2017 so we can GIVE MORE!

Equillibrium Classic Skull

Angel, wearing an Equillibrium CORE Classic: EQ Skull Zip-up Hoodie chilling in Summit County USA


On a personal note:  It has been hard to get myself to write about this past October.   A dear Person and Friend passed away from Ovarian Cancer after a brave 4 year battle.  I suppose it is still surreal,  as I really believed she would survive-  and as most strong Warriors do,  she kept the battle hidden from view when it got gnarley.  Always smiling,  always gracious,  always beautiful…Hallie Olson Wastell is a favorite.   Her acceptance,  kindness,  and love was felt by many during her life.  I was lucky enough to be one of them.   At times I feel afraid to have favorites after experiencing so many be taken away too soon.   But I must say I wouldn’t trade knowing them for anything!  Thank you Hal for being my Pal…  forever loved and missed.

If any feel inclined,  there is a GoFundMe page for the Wastell Family–  Husband Jeff,  Son Jack,  and Daughter Chloe.  Nothing will bring Hallie back,  but perhaps some financial burdens in this life can be put to rest with help from others.  I was stoked to have had a very “Hallie Christmas” from Sined Skateboards where 100% of proceeds go to the Wastell Family.  If you like,  buy a deck and give here:  Hallie Sined Skateboard  available for sale,  not “pre-sale” only.

Hallie Wastell

Hallie Olson Wastell


Every year makes us stronger,  better,  and more capable of handling the roads that lie ahead.  My promise to you is this:  Equillibrium will always exist to promote human health and the environment.  We hope to make 2017 a successful year of support,  as we know a brand like ours has never been more relevant or needed than now.  Equillibrium exists to be a brand you are proud to wear with your head held high,  knowing your purchase was designed,  sourced,  and made with PEOPLE and PLANET being its top two priorities.  We are motivated to profit,  so we can do more and be more to all things Wild and sustainable…  for that is the preservation of LIFE,  our biggest LOVE here on Earth.  Together we can make 2017 the most sustainable yet by voting with our dollars every day!  Happy New Year!!!
